Just this once, 2000-2002

Text & contact sheet
  • Just this once 3

  • Just this once 10

  • Just this once 31

  • Just this once 1

  • Just this once 26

  • Just this once 28

  • Just this once 15

  • Just this once 17

  • Just this once 33

  • Just this once 34

  • Just this once 35

  • Just this once 8

  • Just this once 36

  • Just this once 37

  • Just this once 39

  • Just this once 45

  • Une fois et pas plus 42

  • Une fois et pas plus 43

  • Just this once 48

  • Just this once 50

  • Just This Once 41

  • Just this once 53

  • Just this once 52

  • Just this once 54

Prints after Polaroids SX70
102x100 cm : 5 ex / 30x31 cm : 3 ex
One day in November 2000 we made objects fly for the first time. It was on Carteret beach. Shirts, fabrics, whatever I had on hand. I photographed the scene with my Leica, made black and white prints that I rephotographed with Polaroid SX70, as in the previous series. But there, durably, I found with these suspended objects something like a language to speak of the ephemeral. To link chance and fate, lightness and gravitation / gravity in images.

In front of the lens of my M6 film, only once for each shot, the photographs on the contact sheets gave few significant results. From time to time, an image emerged that the more or less long exposure time made unexpected.
I started to make flying, sewn, armature objects, and to do air resistance tests and work on the effects of speed.

The Polaroids have put their colors on the black and white prints, which gives a veiled whole, and lets the flying object blend into the background.

The title of the series, "Just this once", is borrowed from Rilke's Ninth Elegy.